Monday, August 07, 2006

Veneer Repairs on Legs

Here is one of the legs--the metalwork is all done, so I moved on to the veneer repairs. If you recall, these were BAD, so I just sanded the old veneer to removed the high and low points, filled the gaps with wood filler and then veneered over the old wood. This wood is walnut, while the rest of the piano is rosewood. The grain is a good match, though, and I have pre-tested the color.

Here it is finished, with the new caster, and the ferrule polished like glass. The finish is minwax red mohogany and Jacobean colors layered until very dark, and 6 coats of polyurethane.

1 comment:

Wim said...

hello just so you know, these are not original erard legs, they would have been hexagonal, so maybe nice idea to find original ones or have a copy made. To see original ones just see any Erard piano from between 1835-1874 after they become different.